
In this section, we have compiled a list of valuable contact numbers that allow patients to directly access a range of resources and services without the requirement of consulting a doctor directly. These numbers can help you navigate and connect with the right support for your specific needs. However, if you feel it would be more appropriate, you can still discuss your health concerns with your general practitioner at Greyfriars.

Addaction offers a comprehensive service and support to people who have a dependency or problems related to alcohol or drug use.
01387 263208

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Services that support young people experiencing poor mental health, or difficult feelings or experiences.
01387 244662

Cruse Bereavement Support
Organisation that helps people through one of the most painful times in their life – with bereavement support, information and campaigning.
0808 808 1677

D&G Doing More
A regional website that acts as a ‘one stop shop’ of
information, advice and support to help encourage more active lifestyles.

Drug and Alcohol Service
Service to people who have a dependency or complex problems related to alcohol or drug use.
01387 244555

Phoneline for patients not registered with a dentist requiring dental advice.
01387 245532

Equipment for You
Self-help website offering impartal advice about equipment that can help make daily living easier, maximising independence.

Health Improvement
(social prescribing)
Service that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the people living in the area by taking forward initiatives and work programmes, based on local needs, and to contribute to reducing health inequalities.
01387 244401

Health Visitor
The Health Visiting team is there to support families and carers grow happy and healthy children up to school age.
01387 220003

Home Teams
Wide range of services available through Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care partnership to support vulnerable people and families at home,
030 33 33 3001

Menopause Helpline
Helpline for those wishing advice about menopause related matters.
01387 241121 (Thur 9am-12)

If you have recently discovered that you are pregnant, you can self-refer to the midwifery team in order to begin receiving antenatal care.
01387 246964

Neurodevelopmental Assessment Service
A diagnostic service for Children and Young People suspected of having a Neurodevelopmental Disorder, which includes Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Intellectual Disability (ID), Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The team welcomes requests from young people and their families.

(urgent eyecare service)
Glen Barr Opticians provides the urgent eyecare service to Dumfries town area. The urgent eyecare service provides urgent assessment, treatment or referral for sudden onset eye problems such as flashes, floaters, visual loss or minor eye injuries.

01387 254015

Parenting Across Scotland
This organisation provides information and support for parents and families across Scotland.

Parent Club
This organisation provides helpful and trustworthy tips and advice to help with the ups and downs of parenting.

Physiotherapists deal with human function and movement. They assess, diagnose, treat and rehabilitate musculoskeletal issues. Self referrals can be made by contacting Single Access Point.
030 33 33 3001

The Podiatry Service provides assessment, education and treatment of disease and conditions affecting the foot and lower limb. You can self refer by calling between 10:00-15:30.
01387 220031

Relationships Scotland D&G
Local service that provides relationship counselling, counselling for carers, bereavement counselling, family mediation, child contact centres and sexual relationship therapy.
01387 251245

Phoneline offering a safe place to talk anytime you like about whatever is getting to you. Samaritans is a unique charity dedicated to reducing feelings of isolation and disconnection that can lead to suicide
Free from any phone:
116 123
033 0094 5717

Sands is a charity with a number of resources to support anyone affected by stillbirth or the death of a baby.
0808 164 3332

Sexual Health and Family Planning
Sexual Health D&G offers a wide range of services. This includes provision of contraception (including emergency contraception and vasectomy), testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, screening and treatment for blood borne viruses (such as Hepatitis B and HIV), post-exposure prophylaxis, pregnancy testing and termination of pregnancy advice and referral.
0345 702 3687

Smoking Cessation
Quit Your Way offers support for smoking cessation in Dumfries & Galloway.
0845 602 6861

Social Services
Dumfries and Galloway
Wide range of services available through Dumfries and Galloway Health and Social Care partnership to support vulnerable people and families,
0303 333 3001

Speech and Language Therapy
SALT offers support for adults and children with speech and swallowing difficulties.
01387 220013

Termination of Pregnancy
If you are pregnant and would like to explore your choices or seek assistance, please get in touch with DGRI Maternity Services directly using the following contact number:
01387 241200